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My own magic case

Toto je má kouzelnická ,,sada,,

+ přehled,co se tam vše zatím nachází:





-minimagic wand with a prediction

-ping-pong ball

-4 balls for ,,cups and balls

-3 cups for,,cups and balls,,


-3 green sponge cubes

-3 white sponge cubes

-,,the gost in a bottle,,-red bottle,gold bottle


-changing card case

-ball penetration(chinese box)

-my own GAFF deck

-regular canasta playing cards

-regular magic wand-white,-black´n´gold

-quantas playing cards(for training)

-stripper deck

-marked deck

-svengali deck

-vision box

-normal thumbtip

-professional thumbtip

-7 Bicycle Mandolin back cards

-Bicycle ,,Shadow Masters,, cards

-Paper into bill

-5 of spades+2x 2and half

-Amazing predictions

-Street monty

-Street flush

-5,10,20,50,100,200,500 fake euros bills

-plastic coin

-coin teleporter

-magic coaster

-ring and spring

-invisible cork

-pridicted dot

-optical coin

-crazy arrow

-Tarantula by Yigal Mesika

-Hell´s smoke

-Holely by Will Tsai

-Red bicycle deck

-Blue bicycle deck

-Red Gaff deck

-Doubleback deck

-Fiber Optics

-couple of blank bicycle cards

-This´n´that  card trick


-Kings-to-Aces  card trick